Under Title VI, no federally assisted agency or program can discriminate by…
- Denying services, aid, or benefits
- Providing different services, aid, or benefits, or providing them in a manner different than they are provided to others; or
- Segregating or separately treating individuals in any matter related to the receipt of any service, aid, or benefit.
As a recipient of federal funds, the TPO has the responsibilities of working closely with the region’s transit providers to be sure funds, services, and projects are distributed in a non-discriminatory way. The TPO and the public transit providers, including Knoxville Area Transit (KAT) must prepare a federal Title IV report every three years. These reports document each agency’s Title VI programs and policies.
Complaint Form
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
The TPO strives to ensure that disadvantaged (DBE) and small (SBE) businesses have an equal opportunity to receive and participate in contracts funded with federal transportation dollars.
Language interpretive services or document translation are available upon requests. Advance notification required.