Chapman Highway
Kimley-Horn and Associates conducted a Chapman Highway Corridor Study for the segment within the City of Knoxville. The community planning process resulted in a prioritized list of transportation improvements that are consistent with land use and livability goals from previous planning efforts. The TPO managed the study for the City.
Hardin Valley
Knoxville-Knox County Planning worked with consultants to develop a Hardin Valley Mobility Study. This study examined existing and future mobility needs, considered existing and potential north/south corridors as well as east/west corridors, and identified and prioritized needs to improve safety and traffic flow.
John Sevier Scenic Highway
Knoxville-Knox County Planning, at the request of the Knox County Commission, conducted a study addressing development issues along the John Sevier Scenic Highway Corridor. This study developed policy recommendations to protect rich historic assets, rural character and scenic qualities of the corridor.
Northshore Drive Corridor Study
The TPO worked with consultants to produce the Northshore Drive Corridor Study. The final report evaluates existing and future conditions at specific locations along the corridor and recommends improvements that support the County’s long-term vision for the corridor.
Springbrook Farm
The City of Alcoa completed a master plan for a 265-acre site once occupied by the ALCOA Inc. West Plant. The Springbrook Farm Master/Vision plan, which received funding from the TPO, was endorsed by the Alcoa Commission in November 2017.